Sunday, July 6, 2008

Drop failed for Job Maintanenance

I just ran into an error prompting "Drop failed for job maintenance" and use the script below to remove this old maintenance plan for my db server.

Problem: Unable to delete the plan and the job always prompting error conflicting constraint.

Solution: run the sql script below on your query window.

USE [msdb]

declare @job_name varchar(100)
set @job_name = N'MaintenancePlan'

–First, delete the logs for the plan

delete sysmaintplan_log
FROM sysmaintplan_subplans AS subplans INNER JOIN
sysjobs_view AS syjobs ON subplans.job_id = syjobs.job_id INNER JOIN
sysmaintplan_log ON subplans.subplan_id = sysmaintplan_log.subplan_id
WHERE ( = @job_name)

–delete the subplan

delete sysmaintplan_subplans
FROM sysmaintplan_subplans AS subplans INNER JOIN
sysjobs_view AS syjobs ON subplans.job_id = syjobs.job_id
WHERE ( = @job_name)

–delete the actual job (You can do the same thing through Management Studio (Enterprise Manager)

from msdb.dbo.sysjobs_view where name = @job_name

If you get this error:

Msg 547, Level 16, State 0, Line 27
The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint “FK__sysjobsch__job_i__276EDEB3″. The conflict occurred in database “msdb”, table “dbo.sysjobschedules”, column ‘job_id’.

Open the Job and Delete the Schedules

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