Tuesday, July 1, 2008

How to display icons in a document library

You will notice that when uploading a file to a document library the default icon image is not displayed properly.

This procedure will guide you to display the image of your file to sharepoint file system.

I will use pdf file as an example.

1. obtain a pdf icon of your choice.
2. rename the image icpdf.gif
3. copy the image to this directory "c:\program files\common files\microsoft shared\web server extensions\60\template\images" on each front-end web server.
4. edit the docicon.xml file located in "c:\program files\common files\microsoft shared\web server extensions\60\template\xml" folder.
5. add this code to your docicon.xml "file
6. restart IIS

Browse to your document library with a pdf document and check if the icon is displayed properly. If you don't see the icon right away just click refresh(F5).

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